
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

Small Talk: Big Ideas. Bees Glorious Bees

Event Date: 22nd March 2019, 19:15 – 21:00

Event Category: Show/Festival/Event

Location: Georgeham Village Hall

Cost: Free

Join us for an evening exploring the life of the humble bee. The plight of our bees illustrates the extent of the global ecological crisis, with a loss of these amazing pollinators worldwide. Despite our stunning countryside, Devon bees remain at risk; come and hear more about the problems they face, and how we can help them.

Starting off with a short film about wild bees, some of our most important pollinators in the UK, we’ll then hear from The Bumblebee Conservation Trust about some of the very rare bees that North Devon is home to. We’ll also hear from the National Trust North Devon and their local projects, which are supporting bees and their habitats close to home.

There will also be local producers selling honey and other bee-related products at our event, so bring cash for some wonderful local goods.

The Pickwell Foundation, in conjunction with the National Trust, Friends of the Earth and the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, hosts this collaborative evening.

Booking via Eventbrite is advisable, limited spaces available. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/small-talk-big-ideas-bees-glorious-bees-tickets-56922287093


This is a free event.
