
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

Access, conservation and interpretation work

Event Date: 17th September 2019, 10:00 – 15:00

Event Category: Beach Clean / Activity

Location: Putsborough Sands

Cost: Free

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Join us for some access, conservation and interpretation work at the World War II remains at Putsbotough sands

Much of the North Devon coast’s history and heritage is still visible when you know where to look.

This is due to the protection provided by its status as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the passion and knowledge of local people. We want to know more about the history of coastline and to help look after it.

The remote coastal and undeveloped nature of the North Devon Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty means that many heritage features can still be seen today, whether from ancient times (scheduled monuments, medieval farming and Iron Age features) or more recent historical events (WWII and Cold War structures).

Much of the AONB’s heritage is at risk from environmental impacts, lack of official protection and/or lack of public awareness. We need your help to support practical conservation work and to identify, record and assess the condition of local heritage.

Booking essential. All equipment provided

For further information or to book email joe.penfold@devon.gov.uk or phone 01271 388644
